Sunday, August 06, 2006

Summer Esbats

We intend to hold beach Esbats on the next two moons, the Barley Moon on the shores of the Deben and the Harvest Moon on the Stour. We will continue to experiment with Fire Scrying. Pyromancy, as this is known, can be used in the same manner as other divinatory tools such as the Crystal Ball and the black mirror, one has something to focus upon, rather than de-focusing the mind. It is important to use local and natural driftwood to enhance the scrying. A light ,trance-like and relaxed state of mind works best and makes it easier to see the fire-shapes which give images for interpretation.
Let these impressions flow and remember to keep records of all you see. A useful activity to build confidence in the art of clairvoyance. In 'The Sea Priestess' Dion Fortune mentions the Fire of Azrael using Cedar wood, Sandalwood and Juniper used in a sea-shore ritual to invoke the overlap between two aspects of the Goddess as The Moon and the Sea.

As these exotic woods are not easily available these days and not environmentally ethical to use we have found that an Incense of these together with the salty driftwood that lays on our shores and has the essence of the locale already in it, an adequate substitute. Add in the sounds of Sea birds and the rustlings of shore creatures in the dark and this makes for a very powerful Esbat.

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