Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Heathen Practices

These useful links have been supplied by Carol, of the Ipswich Pagan Council, to whom we are very grateful. They show Heathen Practices

Wyrd - http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wyrd

Symbel - http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Symbel

Bragarful -http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bragarfull

Blot - http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bl%C3%B3t

Seid - http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Seid

Online Resources -

http://omacl.org/ (online classics library - you can read the
original source materials here for free)



http://www.tha-engliscan-gesithas.org.uk/ The English Companions - a
more academic resource.

A suggested booklist: the links will take you to the page at Amazon.co.uk, and from there you will find other links to similar books.

Edda, translated by Anthony Faulkes.

The Poetic Edda, translated by Carolyne Larrington.

True Hearth by James Chisolm - a guide to everyday heathen practise

Nine Worlds of Seid-Magic: Ecstasy and Neo-Shamanism in North
European Paganism
- Jenny Blain, and by the same author Wights and Ancestors: Heathenism in a Living Landscape (Understanding Heathenism S.)

The book of Seidr -The Native English and Northern European Shamanic
- Runic John

Our Troth - Kveldulf Gundarsson - the working practise and research
of The Troth

Teutonic Religion: Folk Beliefs & Practices of the Northern
- Kveldulf Gundarsson

Way of The Runes - Bernard King

The Norse Myths: Gods of the Vikings. - Kevin Crossley Holland -Modern
Beowulf - There are loads of translations out there.

Gods and Myths of the Viking Age - H.R. Ellis Davidson, A good
introduction to the academic perspective on Norse religion.

Chronicles of the Vikings: R I Page - An anthology of Viking-Age

An Introduction to English Runes - R.I.Page - Comprehensive academic
study of the anglo-saxons use of the runes

The Agricola and the Germania - P. Corneliu Tacitus - the main primary source for
the beliefs of the early Germanic tribes.

She also recommends pretty much everything from Anglo-Saxon books

There's a book list from thetroth that looks very
comprehensive -

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