Thursday, May 25, 2006

June Esbat

The full-moon of June 11th we refer to as the Mead Moon, traditionally the time when the Meads or meadows were mown for hay. This is the ideal time to gather herbs as the concentration of active constituents in a plant varies during its life cycle; it is best to collect leafy herbs just at the stage of first flowering before the plant begins to put all its energies into the developing seeds.
During May the countryside has been filled with spectacular blossoms and the bees have been gathering the nectar to fill their hives with honey. Honey is then used by witches to brew Mead, the favoured drink of the ancients. Mead is considered to have magical and restorative properties and much is consumed by the Coven at this time.
This is also the time when, as we sip this drink of the Gods, we ourselves will be ready to receive the inspiration of the higher realms.
Over the week-end of the full moon the witches of Carlford Coven will be involved in the Ipswich Riverside Folk and Maritime Festival
held at the Steamboat Tavern, Ipswich.

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