Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Full Moon Esbat

May Full Moon
In May we will celebrate the Dyad Moon with the Sun moving towards Gemini and the Moon in ardent Sagittarius. Dyad is the latin for 'pair'and this is the time of the annual symbolic Greenwood Marriage of the Goddess in her aspect of the Fertile Earth and the God in his aspect of the young Oak King, when opposites meet in perfect balance to become as one in harmony.
We will meet at The Triple Goddess Crossroads in love and merriment to unite with all nature and enact the Great Rite under the Full Moon serenaded by Nightingales.
We will collect Spring Water from our favourite source at this magical time and give thanks for recent successful outcomes to our Workings and honour the Fey as this is traditionally the time for the Elf Queen to ride out with her Court at mid-night..............
Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you.......

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