Monday, December 18, 2006

King Holly & King Oak

The Holly King and the Oak King are part of Celtic mythology, representing two sides of the Green Man or Horned God.

During our Yuletide ritual this year they will, once again do battle. This happens twice a year. At Yule the Oak King will win the fight, and rule until Litha at midsummer, when the Holly King will again hold sway.

The battle is symbolic, these two are always present, with one coming to the forefront with greater influence at each half of the year.

These kings represent different ideas. The time of the Oak King is for growth, development, healing, and starting new projects while the Holly King gives us time for rest, reflection, and learning.

The Queen of Midwinter, the Goddess of the winter moon, will be represented by our crone, meeting the Ivy Queen as she presents King Holly and then King Oak. Sides will be taken, as supporters cheer on their champion but the result is well known. King Holly will succumb, with good grace, to allow King Oak to bring in the growing strength of the sun.

Here we are in the middle of winter. With this ceremony we can glimpse the exciting new future. The world has turned, and its face will slowly gather more from the strength of the sun.

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