Monday, November 21, 2005


We celebrate eight sabats during the year. This could be regarded as the start of that cycle. Samhain at end of October celebrates the end of harvest, of the year, as we enter a period of darkness and reflection.

Next will come Yule, the heart of winter, at the winter solstice, at 21 December.

In February, at Candlemass is Imbolg, the passing of winter.

Ostara is the rite of Spring at the vernal equinox, about 21 March.

Then comes Beltane when the God and Goddess join together in fecund union.

Litha or the midsummer solstice has the Goddess blooming at the height of summer, usually held on 21 June, as we move on to

Lughnasadh, in August, as the first fruits of harvest are gathered in,

with Mabon to follow at the autumnal equinox, around 21 September, and so the circle completes with

Samhain again, when we look back over the past year, and after reflection, start to plan for the coming seasons.

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