The next Sabbat will be on Thursday 22nd June, Mid Summers Day. The longest day of the year when we celebrate the vital energy of Fire and salute the Sun at the height of its powers. Now the turning Wheel of the Year briefly stands still and we begin a new phase, the descent into darkness. The Sun's power begins to wane as it starts the long journey into Winter. At this time the Oak King must depart and give way to his twin the Holly King, Lord of the Shadows, who will hold sway over the Earth til Midwinter.
At Stonehenge the sun is seen to rise at the end of the Avenue in line with the Heel stone and cast a shadow to the Altar.
Midsummer is traditionally a 'Spirit Night' when one may be visited by ancestors, spirits or the Fey. Due to our location amongst the Tumuli of Martlesham we are ideally situated to commune with previous dwellers of this land.Blessed be.
Midsummer is traditionally a 'Spirit Night' when one may be visited by ancestors, spirits or the Fey. Due to our location amongst the Tumuli of Martlesham we are ideally situated to commune with previous dwellers of this land.Blessed be.